Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

          I went to the Temple today. As with many things, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Temple. I'll admit, there is something different about it. Something good. So many times I have been there and not felt any different than when outside of the walls. Last night was the first time I had been there in many months. As I sat there, I reflected on the last time I was there. I had a very clear picture in my head of something I needed to do. I won't go into detail, as it's a private matter, but I could see two different outcomes. One if I did this thing, and the other if I didn't. It was a hard thing. One of the hardest I've ever had to do. As I said, it's been several months since then, and this time as I sat there, I saw a clear picture of where I'm headed now. There was no fork in the road this time. I saw it. 

          I thought back at all the times I'd been there. All the times I was so frustrated thinking I didn't matter. Feeling hated. Wondering why I couldn't feel what others testified to feeling. I'm not sure I'll ever know the answer to that, but as I said before, I am trying to learn the language He uses to speak to me. I started to remember other times that I saw these little fleeting pictures that would guide me.  There have been many.  I took them for granted as I sat bitterly wondering why I didn't feel any different.  Seems so simple now. Pictures, duh! 


  1. Read Moroni 7:48 Notice the way the language is written we will SEE him as he is. It didn't say we will feel his presence, just saying. You are amazing. Just repeat that to yourself without coming up with a reason for it not to be so. YOU ARE AMAZING
